Welcome to Class 2

A caring village school with a family feel where relationships are at the heart of all we do. Our unique community is connected under the protection of the tree of life, where all are enabled to grow and flourish in their own surprising ways’

Welcome to Class 2! Our classroom is a happy, productive learning space and we would love to share it with you! We look forward to welcoming you in for book looks, parent evenings and FOSS events throughout the year. Best wishes, Mrs Down

This term’s big question is:

How do we support our community?

These are some of the ways we will be exploring our Big Question across the curriculum.

History - A local history study: How has Moreton high street changed over time?

Geography - A local study of physical and human features and land use.

Science - Animals and their habitats (Y2). Plants (Y3).

RE - How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jews?

Art - Paint - Exploring watercolour. Artist - Paul Klee

PSHE - Being My Best

Spanish - Seasons

This term’s timetable

Monday - Math, English, Science, Computing

Tuesday - Maths, English, PE

Wednesday - Maths, English, RE, Music

Thursday - Maths, English, History, Spanish

Friday - Maths, English, Art, MFL, PSHE

Helping Your Child at Home

Reading with your child at home has a huge positive impact on their education. We recommend that every child reads at home for at least 10-15mins every day. It’s lovely to see how much the children enjoy putting up their House Points as a reward for reading at home!

Spelling homework helps to support children’s learning of spelling rules learned that week in class. They are sent home on a Monday and tested on a Friday. Please encourage your child to practice them daily.

In class 2 we like to make learning fun! Below are links to a few websites that support your child’s learning in both Maths and English. Have fun exploring them!


Drinks and Snacks

Please send your child to school with a refillable water bottle which they will have free access to in the classroom throughout the day.

You are welcome to provide your child with a healthy snack to eat at morning breaktime. We will provide children in Year 2 with a healthy morning snack as part of The School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme available to all children in Key Stage 1.


PE is on Tuesdays. Please send your child to school in their PE kit.

Class News

Friday 12th April 2024

We have had a very productive start to the term in Class 2. In English, we have begun to write a narrative based on the picture book ‘Flood’ by Alvaro F. Villa whilst in Maths we have been enjoying our new statistics unit. To kick off our local history study, we have closely observed lots of photographs of Moreton High Street both past and present and look forward to our trip to Moreton to continue our research about how the high street has changed over time. We were visited by a local water-colour artist on Wednesday and took part in a watercolour workshop. What an exciting way to begin our exploration of watercolour paint this term!

I am looking forward to continuing our learning journey together over the next few weeks!

Best wishes,

Mrs Down