Welcome to Acorns Class

A caring village school with a family feel where relationships are at the heart of all we do. Our unique community is connected under the protection of the tree of life, where all are enabled to grow and flourish in their own surprising ways’

Welcome to Acorns Class. We are an enthusiastic class of Reception and Year 1 children who are excited about learning. Mrs Rawlings and Mrs Marks are our teachers.

What we’ve been up to

We are having a lovely Summer Term in Acorn Class. The warm weather is very welcome and we love getting outside when we can. In Maths, Year 1 are learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. Reception are learning to find one less than a number.

We have all just finished writing our own version of the well known story Handa’s Surprise. We really enjoyed using lots of adjectives to make our writing descriptive.

Computing this term is all about programming and we are having lots of fun programming Bee Bots (small bee-like robots)!

This term’s big question is:

What makes our food fabulous?

These are some of the things we will be learning about through different subjects:

Science - plants

Art - painting

History - history of farming

Geography - farming

PSHE - talking about how we can look after our bodies

PE - using our bodies to explore fitness

Music - Samba lessons

Computing - making a robot move

DT - exploring different fruits

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

This term’s timetable

Monday - PE & Outdoor learning

Tuesday - History/Geography

Wednesday - Science

Thursday - DT/Art & Computing

Friday - RE & PSHCE


Please ensure that children have their reading books in school every day. Books will be changed on a Monday.

Spellings will be sent to Year 1 children on a Monday ready for a spelling test on a Friday.

Children need to come to school wearing their PE kit on a Tuesday please.

Helping your child at home

Please read with your children as often as you can, reading with your child for just 5 - 10 minutes a day will have a great impact on them.

Suggested websites



Teach your monsters to read APP


Parent workshop

Please click on the link below to view the presentation shared in our parent workshop on 19th September

Class newsletter

Curriculum Map